Want to become super rich? 7 money mistakes billionaires don’t make
Billionaires usually have an intuition about what the latest trends are and what the next big story is from the market’s perspective. They are usually the first to spot a great idea to capitalize on and are willing to take the calculated risk in adopting or bankrolling a new concept, product or service. “They do not hesitate in backing a novel idea which can prove to be disruptive and are keen on gaining as much information as they can about it. They avoid taking multiple opinions from different market players into consideration to seek consensus, but carry out an unbiased and clear-cut analysis of opportunities, risks and rewards before making a wholehearted commitment to the investment,” says Santosh Joseph, Founder & Managing Partner, Germinate Wealth Solutions LLP.
Read more: https://www.financialexpress.com/money/want-to-become-super-rich-7-money-mistakes-billionaires-dont-make/764280/